my trip to tianjin作文?

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一、my trip to tianjin作文?

描写一下天津的各个旅游景点 ,尤其是出名的那一个 。再写自己的旅途心情 ,见闻。



三、Explore the Delicacies of Tianjin in English


Tianjin, located in northern China, is known for its rich culinary culture. Its local snacks, or "小吃" (xiǎo chī) in Chinese, have gained popularity not only among the locals but also the international community. In this article, we will introduce several famous Tianjin snacks and their English translations, allowing you to better understand and appreciate these delectable treats.

Goubuli Steamed Buns

The first must-try snack is Goubuli Steamed Buns, known for their fluffy texture and savory filling. The name "狗不理" (gǒu bù lǐ) may sound strange, but it actually refers to the founder's insistence on focusing solely on the buns, ignoring any distractions. So, when you visit Tianjin, be sure to try these delicious Goubuli Steamed Buns.


Another iconic snack is Jianbing, a thin and crispy pancake made from a batter of wheat and mung bean. It is typically filled with egg, cilantro, crispy fried dough stick, and a variety of sauces. Jianbing can be considered as a Chinese-style breakfast burrito. Don't miss this popular street food item when you visit Tianjin.

Erduoyan Fried Dough Twists

Erduoyan Fried Dough Twists are crispy and twisted strips of fried dough, usually coated with sugar or various flavors. This snack was named after Erduoyan, a famous tourist attraction in Tianjin. As you stroll through the streets of Tianjin, you will likely encounter vendors selling these addictive Fried Dough Twists.

Guifaxiang Mahua

Guifaxiang Mahua is another beloved snack in Tianjin. Mahua refers to a type of deep-fried dough that is crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. Guifaxiang is the name of a time-honored brand that specializes in producing Mahua. These sweet and crispy treats have become synonymous with Tianjin's local delicacies.

Tianjin Goubuli Museum

If you want to delve deeper into the history and culture of Goubuli Steamed Buns, pay a visit to the Tianjin Goubuli Museum. Here, you can learn about the origins of Goubuli Steamed Buns, witness the traditional steaming process, and even try your hand at making your own buns.


Tianjin is a city that boasts a remarkable culinary heritage, and its famous snacks reflect the local culture and traditions. Exploring Tianjin's diverse range of snacks is not only a gastronomic adventure, but also a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture. So, when you visit Tianjin, don't forget to try these delightful treats and experience the charm of Tianjin's food culture.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that it has provided you with valuable insights into the English translations of Tianjin's famous snacks. Enjoy your culinary journey in Tianjin!






ADS是加速器驱动次临界洁净核能系统(Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System)的缩写,它是利用加速器加速的高能质子与重靶核(如铅)发生散裂反应,一个质子引起的散裂反应可产生几十个中子,用散裂产生的中子作为中子源来驱动次临界包层系统,使次临界包层系统维持链式反应以便得到能量和利用多余的中子增殖核材料和嬗变核废物。


首先是双向通信制式的差异。ADS-B的通信制式是广播式双向通信,而我国用来进行航迹跟踪和管制数据通信的地空数据链,采用美国ARINC公司的AEEC618/AEEC622协议方式,属应答式双向通信。此通信制式的数据刷新率受应答协议制约,其同步性和实时性都不能满足高密度飞行管制服务需求,无法与ADS-B技术兼容。 其次是数据链容量的差异。ADS-B所使用的数据链应能满足高密度飞行监视的要求,因此对数据长度和通信速率都有很高的要求。国际航空组织推荐的全球可互用的ADS-B的广播数据链-1090MHzS模式扩展电文数据链(1090ES),最大下行数据长度达到112位,最大数据率达到1兆比特/秒。而我国现用的ACARS RGS地-空数据链,最大下行数据长度为32位,最大数据率仅2400比特/秒,显然不能与ADS-B广播电文兼容。 再则是传输技术上的差距。ADS-B广播电文是面向比特的数据串,下行数据到达地面后,必须透明地传输至航空管制或航空运行签派等地面用户端。而现有系统中,通过ACARS RGS或卫星截获的下行数据,须转换为面向字符的SITA报文格式,经低速的自动转报网传输到用户端。这种信息传输方式的低效率以及传输时延不确定性,不能适应高密度飞行监视。 解决现有系统与ADS-B技术兼容问题,关键是选择新的空-空、地-空数据链系统。数据链是ADS-B技术重要的组成部分,当前,许多国家和组织出于不同的开发意图,开发出了多种多样的数据链,从中选择适合我国实际的数据链类型,是确定机载设备性能和发展地面设施的前提。各国对ADS-B数据链的选择各持己见,但主流意见基本倾向于以下三种[10]:(1)甚高频数据链模式4(VDLMode4)--欧洲较流行;其核心技术为SOTDMA协议,不足是VHF频段资源紧张。(2)万能电台数据链(UAT)--美国较流行,多用于通用航空飞机;采用二进制连续相移键控CP-FSK,不足是和DME地面设备的互相干扰严重。(3)1090MHzS模式扩展电文数据链(1090ES)--国际民航组织推荐;采用选择性询问、双向数据通信,不足是已出现频谱过度使用的危机。 国际航空组织一直在努力倡导使各成员国能够执行一个统一的数据链标准,从而提高数据链设备在全球范围的通用性。如果空中的每架飞机都执行同一个数据链标准,通过 ADS-B系统,每个飞行员都能看到其周围一定范围内所有航空器的位置和动态。这将显著提高飞行员对其周围飞行态势的感知度,从而可以在保证飞行安全的前提下,进一步缩小飞机间的安全间隔,优化飞行路线,提高空域资源的利用率。


ADS-B(Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast,广播式自动相关监视)是一套系统,或者说是一种技术手段。


八、my trip to tianjin作文80-100词?


九、网络营销 ads


1. 网络营销的广告形式


  • 搜索引擎广告(SEM):通过在搜索引擎上购买关键词广告位置,吸引潜在客户点击进入网站。
  • 展示广告:以图片、文字等形式展示在网页上,吸引用户注意。
  • 社交媒体广告:在社交平台上投放广告,扩大品牌曝光度。
  • 视频广告:通过视频形式展示产品或服务,吸引用户点击。

2. 广告投放策略


2.1 目标明确


2.2 定位目标客户


2.3 制定预算


2.4 选择合适的广告平台


2.5 制定广告内容


3. 广告效果评估


3.1 点击率


3.2 转化率


3.3 曝光量


3.4 ROI


4. 网络营销广告优化


4.1 A/B测试


4.2 关键词优化


4.3 定期监测


4.4 创意更新




十、Decoding the Meaning of ADS in Finance

In the world of finance, acronyms are widely used to simplify complex concepts and streamline communication. One such acronym that frequently appears is ADS. So, what does ADS stand for in finance? In this article, we will delve into the meaning of ADS and its significance in the financial landscape.

The Definition of ADS

ADS stands for American Depositary Share. It is a financial instrument that represents shares of non-U.S. companies traded on U.S. stock exchanges. ADSs are denominated in U.S. dollars and provide American investors with a convenient way to invest in foreign companies without having to directly purchase shares on international markets.

The Rationale behind ADS

The creation of ADSs is driven by several factors. Firstly, it facilitates cross-border investments by reducing barriers such as currency exchange and foreign security regulations. Secondly, it allows foreign companies to tap into the deep and liquid U.S. capital markets, providing them with an opportunity for increased visibility and access to a wider pool of investors.

Types of ADS

There are two main types of ADSs: sponsored and unsponsored. Sponsored ADSs are created with the cooperation and endorsement of the foreign company whose shares they represent. These are more common and generally subject to stricter regulatory requirements. Unsponsored ADSs, on the other hand, are formed without the involvement or support of the foreign company. They are typically initiated by brokers or financial institutions.

The Benefits of ADS

ADSs offer various benefits for both investors and issuers. For investors, ADSs provide access to a broader range of investment opportunities, including companies from emerging markets. They also offer the convenience of trading in U.S. dollars and benefiting from the regulatory framework established by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). For issuers, ADSs offer a means to tap into a larger investor base and gain exposure to international capital.

ADRs vs ADSs

ADRs (American Depositary Receipts) are often confused with ADSs. While both represent shares of foreign companies, the key difference lies in the way they are traded. ADRs are traded in the over-the-counter (OTC) market, while ADSs are listed on U.S. stock exchanges. Both instruments, however, serve the purpose of facilitating cross-border investments.

In Conclusion

In summary, ADS stands for American Depositary Share and is a financial instrument that allows U.S. investors to trade shares of non-U.S. companies on U.S. stock exchanges. ADSs provide numerous advantages, such as increased cross-border investment opportunities and enhanced visibility for foreign issuers. Understanding the meaning and implications of ADSs is crucial for investors and companies alike, as it opens doors to the global marketplace.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article and enrich your knowledge of the finance domain. We hope that the insights provided here will serve as a valuable resource for your future financial endeavors.